
Assessments through Research and Technology to serve the Environment and Humanity


ARTEH makes the transition to corporate zero-carbon emissions easier and reliable. Our first tool – ARTEH Platform automatically sets up companies’ individual science-based climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement framework.


We believe that everyone in society has a role to play in safeguarding our planet. However, corporations are crucial in creating a new economic system consistent with sustainable development goals. ARTEH wants to contribute to these goals by helping companies understand their emission profile and reduce them according to globally agreed limits.

ARTEH will make operating decisions based on the following list of values, all equally important. They represent the company’s framework that must be constantly used and reviewed to guide our management, commercial and technical actions.  We attempt to redirect corporate decisions while incentivizing and fostering community projects that enhance social justice through improving environmental conditions.


ARTEH Platform fosters climate awareness and stewardship for corporations. Through our educational initiatives, ARTEH also spreads the importance of climate action to the community in general. By engaging with indigenous-led community projects, ARTEH fosters social and cultural resilience. Beyond community engagement, ARTEH encourages reducing the carbon footprint of collaborators and suppliers.


We believe that equity is an essential concept in tackling the climate crisis, i.e., the notion of “common but differentiated responsibilities” (Paris Agreement). This also applies to corporations, as they both benefit from and contribute to climate change on different levels. Regarding the work with community projects, equity will guide our choices by assisting those to achieve climate justice. We understand we are all equal and embrace our differences. So, we encourage open and efficient communication, a collaborative atmosphere and seek dynamism and innovation.


To optimize impact, ARTEH works with companies to achieve emission reductions cost-effectively aligned with climate science. By demonstrating results, other companies are incentivised to also act as a force to a net-zero economy, hereby propagating ARTEH’s mission. These results will also help to attract suitable collaborators and partners.


Wherever possible, our acts should serve to decrease the climate crisis. Therefore, our activities are constantly evaluated and reassessed to pursue constant improvement. We aim to create value for the communities we operate and live in and the suppliers and customers we engage. It is also our policy to seek employees who share aligned values while representing cultural and ethnic diversity.


ARTEH’s purpose is to accelerate transitions towards a net-zero economy.

ARTEH is a social enterprise with a profit-for-purpose business model. It means that profit is not our reason for being, but ARTEH is driven by the vision to have a meaningful impact in preserving the planet’s ecosystems. It means we seek to profit from our activities so that we can leverage our core values.

We believe that businesses are a force for positive change and value-creation in society. Our mission is to equip businesses to achieve meaningful and science-based emission reduction targets by making our platform accessible and educational.

Additionally, ARTEH is committed to facilitating climate justice through engagement with Indigenous-led community projects in Australia and Latin America. Before giving back to shareholders, ARTEH will allocate a significant amount of resources to two streams: 1) support community projects related to climate justice and 2) continue improving the research and development of the ARTEH Platform.

Our community support projects enable ARTEH to engage deeper with challenges surrounding climate justice.  Through funding projects and forming suitable partnerships, we aim to work with communities to achieve self-reliance and empower their members to continue caring for the natural ecosystems they live in and guard.