• ARTEH offers to SMEs assessment of their climate-transition risks at a company level. The outcome of such an assessment can be publicised through a certification, which comes in 3 tiers:
– Targets established: when the company is not aligned to the Paris Targets but has set up a customised climate-safe transition pathway to decarbonise their value chain according to a science-based benchmark.
– B2DS: the company is aligned to a global temperature increase of below 2oC scenario.
– 1.5DS: the company is aligned to a global temperature increase of 1.5oC scenario. This is the best result.
• ARTEH helps businesses to disclose their climate change risk exposure and management strategies, according to the Task force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations.
• Our assessment is complemented by a hands-on service to accompany our customers to implement meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, based on environmental and economic community development practices that respect the principle of ‘change from below’. ARTEH targets to develop CSR programs that offset businesses’ carbon footprint alongside traditional people communities in Australia and Latin America.
• ARTEH also helps SMES to innovate their business models through a lean start-up approach, offering services of storytelling and video production.